But who will sue the Watchmen?

“I hear always the admonishment of my friends:
‘Bolt her in, and constrain her!’
But who will watch the watchmen?
The wife arranges accordingly, and begins with them.”

Okay, so maybe the watching (as in when you’ll see the movie) will take a little longer than expected (cue the cries and whines of comic fanboys/girls),because FOX has its lawyers working double time.

The short of it?

Watchmen movie was scheduled for release March of next year, but with the lawsuit, that date might be later.


Well, from my total and poor understanding of the law, the legal battle between FOX and Warner Bros. kicked off because:

Between 1986-1990, Fox acquired exclusive movie rights to the DC comic series and screenplays. Then in 1991, Fox assigned some rights to Largo Entertainment with the understanding that FOX had exclusive rights to distribute the first motion picture version of Watchmen. Then, when Largo dismantled, and the rights went to a producer named Gordon, that producer was supposed to pay a buy out from FOX if he entered into any agreement with another studio to produce Watchmen (among other things.)

Well, Fox claims that neither Gordon or Warner Bros. paied the buy out price and well here we are…

Does that make sense?

If it doesn’t I’m sure you can find many an other website reporting about it in further detail right now. You can read where I got the scoop by clicking HERE.

Or you can watch a rerun of The Simpsons which featured watchmen author Alan Moore.


How they managed to get him on the show, I’ll never know. I guess he has a good sense of humor, let’s hope the lawyers do too…eh

If for some reason you can’t view the complete episodes on the FOX site (Link on Milhouse photo), someone was nice enough to upload a clip on the YouTube. See it HERE.


Filed under Art, Comics, Entertainment, Graphic Novel, Legal Junk, Nerd bites, News, Pop Culture, The Simpsons, Watchmen